Piping - What is Piping?

Piping enables you to carry text from one question to the next depending on the options selected by the respondent. For example if you have a scenario as described below

1. Screenshot

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2. Screenshot

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Now you would like to replace the XXXX with whatever ISP the respondent had selected for question 1. Piping will enable you to replace the XXXX with the appropriate text. If the respondent had selected MSN for question 1 then question 2 will be displayed as:

3. Screenshot

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How to setup Piping?

On the Edit Survey page you will find Add / Update Logic link next to each question. For the source question (e.g. question 1 in the above example) click on the Add / Update Logic link.

4. Screenshot

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In the pop up window select the Branching / Skip Logic option and click on Set up Logic.

7. Screenshot

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For each option select the question for branching (Jump to) and the Piping option will be displayed. Enter the piping text and Update Branching Information.

Piping option will only be displayed once branching destination is selected.

5. Screenshot

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In the destination question, use ${piping_text} where ever you would like the piped text to show up. For example, in the above scenario, question 2 would be setup as:

6. Screenshot

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Can I carry over the Piping Text to multiple pages?

Piping Text can only be carried over to the Next Immediate page. If you wish to carry over text to multiple pages you can do so using Custom Variables. For more information please see link below.

Is there any limitation on the nummber of characters that can be piped?

Piping text has a limitation of 255 characters (Including Spaces/Special Characters)

See example:

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