Online Member Portal Mobile Optimized

Customize Mobile Modules and Plugins

How to control which modules / plugins are displayed on SurveySwipe communities?

To customize the content on your SurveySwipe mobile community, go to:

  • Login »  Surveys »  Communities »  (Select Community) »  SurveySwipe »  Customize Mobile Modules

1. Screenshot

Survey Software Help Image
Select the modules from under Customize Mobile Module. Following modules are available:







HyperLocal Surveys

Make sure the required modules are selected and click on the Save Settings button. The selected modules will be displayed and available on SurveySwipe.


Panel Recruitment Portal

Create a panel recruitment portal using a point and click interface

Portal Customization - CSS/Logo

Customize the look and feel to match your company's website.

API Integration

Integrate with your software/system using API.

Google Analytics Integration

Google Analytics Integration for insights into your website traffic and marketing effectiveness.

Broadcast Email

Ability to communicate with all your members via email.

Image library

Upload/manage images/logos for use on the portal, surveys, emails, etc.